Why PBS?
Access to justice is a significant global problem. The World Justice Project estimates that
5,000,000,000 people have unmet legal needs. That’s approximately 70% of the world’s population;
more than two in three of us.
Here in the UK we are fortunate to have legal aid, but that does not prevent access to justice
issues. One in five UK households live in relative poverty, and many – with limited resources –
fall through the gaps in the legal aid system. This means a significant percentage of our
population is left without access to legal advice or representation.
Law students involved in the UK’s university law clinics can – and regularly do – educate people
on the law, give a voice to those who would otherwise go unheard, and right wrongs that would
otherwise go unchallenged. These unsung heroes are what save many from the justice gap.
Probonoskills.com provides students who do pro bono with access to high quality training
materials and events. We exist to support students so that they can do more, help more, and
achieve more for the UK’s communities.